Friday, June 18, 2010

Summer is Here!

Well it's HOT here in Chico CA! And it's only going to get hotter! Well I finished school! I managed to get an A in my college study skills class, a B in my Gender Communication and a C in my health class! I've got about two and a half months til I start school again!

Samantha graduated from the 8th grade and is really excited about starting high school. She will be doing cheer leading and is going to cheer leading camp this summer.  Charlie starts kinder garden at the beginning of August and he is eager to go to the big boys school. He just finished T-ball and started his first Karate class this week.

Gary and I are doing GREAT! We will celebrate our 15 month anniversary here in a couple of days! I know I know who celebrates the months (hehee) well  we do!
We are VERY much looking forward to going to the Mendocino for my birthday in December. We are going back to our Forest Suite that we celebrated our one year anniversary at.  Life is AWESOME!