Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My New Life Style Journey

Hello and thank you for stopping by my page! I'm starting this page in hopes to be motivation and encouragement for people struggling with weight loss! It's America's #1 love! Let me tell you a little about myself. I am 33 years old, very happily going on 34. Ive never been married no children. In 1995 i was hit head on with a drunk driver. Coma 6 weeks hospital 6 months. I wasn't supposed to live let alone be able to walk or talk again. Ever since that car wreck it has been a battle with my weight! I quit smoking a year ago and i put on 40lbs! When i stepped on the scale on my birthday (12/27) i about fainted! I was the heaviest i had been in almost 10 years! So i joined a gym at the first of the year! I lost 15lbs in my first 3 weeks. I've been blogging about it on my myspace and my Uncle Darren suggested i design my own web page for my blogging. So the first 25 or so entries are from my myspace, but from now on ill be blogging here :)

Dec 26, 2008

Well ill be 33 tomorrow!! and i am SSOO looking forward to the new year!! GOOD BYE 2008!! you will NOT be missed!!

Dec 28, 2008

Well my day started out GREAT!! and it just got BETTER!! Peter and I went to breakfast at IHOP then i came home to find a $25 gift card from best buy to best buy (something i wasnt expecting). so we went to best buy and i bought a new mp3 player. then we went to buy a new pair of tennis shoes for our future workouts! Then my buddy Scott was up visiting his family and he took me out to a REALLY nice dinner at the Japanese steak house. Our table bought me a bottle of sake when they found out it was my birthday. Then the restaurant sang me happy birthday!! it is BY FAR the BEST birthday I have ever had!! im off to starting the new year off right!!

January 7,2009

So peter and i just joined a gym last week.and of course knowing how life is i got bronchitis and a sinuse infection on friday! so ive spent the last 4 days in bed feeling like i was going to die:) but today we went for our first work out! we've got a GREAT trainer Roland who is FULL of energy and encouragement! Since ive put on about 40lbs since i quit smoking almost a year ago i am DETERMINED to take it off!! (plus a few more (hehee)) its all about lifestyle changes! 1/10/09 so Peter and i have been working out for a week! ive already lost 8lbs!! SUCH an encouragement for my new lifestyle change!! i will post before, during and after pics. i feel SO great after i work out like ive REALLY accomplished something! and even though i am disabled i can still do enough to burn fat and gain muscle! i would HIGHLY recommend this to EVERYONE!! 1/11/09well after a VERY long night at the casino and not getting home and to bed til 4am. i went to the gym! (push through the pain:)) i hopped on the scale and 10lbs LOST WOO HOO!! just wanted to update :)

January 14, 2009

So ive been at the gym workout thing for almost 2 weeks. i didnt go yesterday only because Peter was feeling lazy. wich resulted in me feeling like a slug and i felt like i was eating out of boredom! but i managed to get a ride to the gym today and i worked out for 1 1/2 hours (woo hoo) i did an hour of cardio and 1/2 an hour of weights. ill have my bike in 2 weeks and then i will start biking (5 miles one way) to and from the gym then working out for 1 hr so i should reach my goal of 50lbs by 6/1/09!! maybe before! ive already lost 10lbs! so as always keep smiling!!

January 17, 2009

well today i outdid myself! i did 30 min on the bike 10 min on the eliptical machine and 15 on the treadmill for a total of 10.5 miles!! then i did a half an hour of weights and 20 min of stretching!! so to say the least i am FEELING it!! my arthritis is bothering me for the FIRST time in 2 weeks wich is amazing. not sure if im going to work out tomorrow just depends on how i feel tomorrow. as always keep smiling!!

January 20,2009

so i havent been to the gym in the past 2 days but i have a very good reason why!! i have a rib out in my back and its poking in the wrong place and has been VERY uncomfortable over the past few days. plus on saturday i WWWAAYY over did it!! but im going to the chiropractor today (thank you Dr. Joyce) and then going to work out at the end of the day. so then ill be "back on track" again

January 21, 2009

so i didnt go to the gym for the past 3 days cause i had a couple ribs out of place (ouchy) but i went today!! and i REALLY worked my legs and my chest!! (feel the burn!!) so im guessing that im going to be feeling it tomorrow cause im starting to feel it already!! as always keep smiling!!

January 22, 2009

So ive been at the gym for 2 1/2 weeks and lost 14lbs!! WOO HOO!! my new goal is to lost 40lbs by march! i know BIG goal but if you dont dream BIG you dont get BIG results

January 23, 2009

so its been 2 1/2 weeks today and ive lost 14lbs!! WOO HOO im having a hard time eating 1500 calories a day though. before i started working out i only ate about 800-1000 calories/day. so eating every 2 hrs is a workout its self!! i feel like im ALWAYS full, not stuffed just pleasantly full. but in the same shoes i havent been snacking at all! so i must be doing something right

January 24, 2009

well my bike is ready!! FINALLY!! so ill be posting pics of it sometime today or tomorrow!! im SO stoked i have SOME kind of transportation even if it is a bike! this way ill get my exercise and have my own ride!! at least til this fall when school starts then i will be buying a car!! i should have pics posted hopefully by the end of the day! i got my bike today and rode it from wal mart to peters about 3 miles. and i was POOPED!! i discovered that it is only a single speed bicycle and im thinking i need at least a 3 speed to make my comfort more enjoyable. so i MIGHT be taking it back tomorrow and forking out another $125 (on top of what ive already paid) for a 3 speed. but ive attached a couple of pics!

January 28, 2009

I havent been to the gym in 5 days, partly because i just got my bike and i WORE myself out riding it! But today i managed to go to the gym and i am EXHAUSTED! im not going to weigh in til the 2/10 when i retake pics just because i can be compulsive about weighing. my trainer and i do our re-evaluation on 2/16 wich im REALLY looking forward to just so i can see my progress! as always keep smiling

January 29, 2009

Yeah so Peter and I went to the gym yesterday and my 2nd Mom Kat ( who is a 55 year old body builder( go Kathy!)) told me if i wasnt sore the next day that i didnt lift/do enough. So yesterday i added 20lbs for a total of 40lbs to my upper body work out and MAN i can feel it today!! Went to my and he was impressed with my weight loss and asked me how i was doing it. i just said LOTS of HARD work!! keep smiling

February 5, 2009

so i havent been to the gym except for once this week. but im going today. im about to kick Peter to the curb. he just isnt as motivated as i am and its hard to be around ppl that arent motivated! ive rode my bike almost everyday. Now its raining outside but im going to have to take the bus, only because the gym is about a 6 mile hike one way and i dont have the endurance to ride all the way there. ill post once i get back from the gym. 2/5 continued........well i went to a foster parent orientation tonight and it was REALLY great!! but Peter was an hour and 15min late from picking me up so we didnt go to the gym. so im going tomorrow at 6:30am will post tomorrow!

February 7, 2009

so as many of you know, ive been trying to live my life by the "secret" and follow the lifestyle and ways of thinking that they recommend. Peter didnt call yesterday, and ive tried calling him today with NO ANSWER!! im pretty sure im going to drop him off of the gym membership since IM paying for it (ggrrr) i just wish i knew more ppl here in chico........oh well untel next time........

February 8, 2009
so i was going to ride my bike to the gym, just work through the burn but now its raining! Peter FINALLY called today and hes sick so he doesnt want to work out. im pretty sure im going to start riding my bike tomorrow rain or shine to and from the gym, and im going to start doing abs every morning and eve. as always keep smilig

February 9, 2009

yeah so last night i started to feel a little under the weather! and today ive felt like crap all day! HOPEING to feel better tomorrow so i can go to the gym!! 2/9 the day goes on im feeling SICKER and SICKER!! im pretty sure ive got a sinus infection and maybe bronchitis. but i AM going to the dr tomorrow!

Febuary 11, 2009

yeah so i went to the doctor yesterday and i had a fever of 102. and they did a chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia and it turns out its just my ashtma that is flared up and i had something viral. so they gave me a couple of motrin wich helped with the fever and some prednisone(wich i HATE taking) so i should feel better in a couple of days AND be able to breath again

February 12, 2009

so i havent been to the gym in a week due to my asthma and a pretty high fever! but now after taking a steroid prednisone (love that little drug (not at all)) i can FINALLY breath and im starting to get my energy back! so ill post again after my gym work out! until then keep smiling

February 13, 2009

so pete came over lastnight and we were going to go to the gym but it was so cold last night and the humidity in the air it was almost impossible to breath!! and this prednisone (a steroid to help me breath) is HELL to take!! it makes me so amped in the afternoon and evening that i have to take enough meds to knock out a HORSE to get to sleep!! oh well they are helping me just a couple more days :) im going to try and make it to the gym today! as always big things are just little things put together 2/13 continued.....well Peter and i managed to make it to the gym today WOO HOO!! and even though not going for the past almost 2 weekds i havent gained ANY weight!!! i did the eliptical maching for 5 mins straight!! when we go tomorrow im shooting for eight!! and i did my abs and some squats up against the wall. i feel VERY good and this is EXCATLY what i have needed!!! got those endorphins running!!! until next time keep SMILING!! try it its contagious

February 14, 2009

well i was going to go to the gym today, but AFTER confirming with Peter that he would be here he has still failed to show up! and ive got a date for v-day tonight :) just hoping my asthma doesnt ruin it! hope everyone has a GREAT holiday!!

February 15, 2009

well i didnt go to the gym today, partied a little too hard last night for v-day! plus my asthma is stil being irritating! but tomorrow its all a go!!

February 16, 2009

yesi understand california needs the rain BAD but its SO depressing!! and i cant ride my bike to the gym :( wich i was REALLY hoping to do this week! oh well. even though ive managed to go to the gym only a couple of times over the past couple of weeks im still managing to take the lbs off! so HOPEFULLY tomorrow ill be going!!

February 20, 2009

as many of you know ive been fighting my asthma for the past couple of weeks. now that the weather is playing its "game" of being nice/crappy it has kicked up my allergies (ggrrr) my nose is stuffed up and running at the same time LOADS of fun neways i have still managed to lose a pound over the last couple of weeks. i think partly because i have no appetite and i have to practically force myself to eat. NEWAYS back to the subject at hand..... keep smiling!

February 23, 2009

so its STILL raining!! but cali REALLY needs the rain! but the man upstairs cant make up his mind on the weather and its playing havoc on my hayfever/allergies!! so im off to the dr today AGAIN! hopefully ill be all prepared to move on the 3rd, still looking for a place! GGRRR!! 2/23 continued.......well i went to the dr AGAIN today!! this is my 3rd time in the last 6 weeks for the SAME problem! i have a slight sinus infection and asthma. so they put me on a antibiotic and prednisone AGAIN! i hate taking prednisone, its a steroid and its SUPPOSED to help you breathe! but i DO NOT like the side effects it brings! HOPEFULLY it will help this time! im hoping to go to the gym always keep smiling

February 25, 2009

well today has gone and went, im waiting on my nebulizer and my meds so i can start doing my breathing treatments and start to BREATHE! hopefully tomorrow ill have my supplies so that way i can start to breath again and start working out! 2/25 conituned........i should have my breathing treatment meds/supplies tomorrow so that way i can start working out again!!

February 28, 2009

so i STILL havnet recieved my breathing treatment meds! they were supposed to be here yesterday! but i was PROMISED they would be here today by 6pm! so we shall see! still feeling like crap hopefully going to the gym tomorrow! still FRANTICALLY looking for another place to live, i would like to be out of here by next weekend!!

March 2, 2009

well i STILL havent recieved my meds for my breathing treatments! but im going to the gym today!! ill write more once i get back 3/2 continued......well i went to the gym today and i had an asthma attack while working out i still managed to get about 30min of cardio in!! went and looked at my (hopeful) new apartment and its SO me!!

March 3, 2009

I FINALLY got my meds!! i havent done a breathing treatment yet but im going to! just trying to get ready to move!